Aici veti gasi detalii tehnice despre cum se pot realiza configurari software+ hardware.
Here you can find tehnical details about software/hardware configuration.

marți, 27 iunie 2017

Microtik show processes

just type in router console /tool profile

sâmbătă, 24 iunie 2017

CentOS not recognise multicast traffic ?

To correct this we need to change kernel variables.

echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter
echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/rp_filter
echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/rp_filter

of modify /etc/sysctl.conf

# Controls source route verification (previously 1)
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2

marți, 20 iunie 2017

Freebsd disable cron email notification

# crontab -e
It will open your crob job file with your default editor. If you want to stop emails for all commands, simply remove the first email line. To stop email for certain command, append ‘> null’ to that command.

ex: 45 2 1 * *   cron/cronmonthly will be: 45 2 1 * *   cron/cronmonthly > null

vineri, 9 iunie 2017

Add border to a layer in GIMP

Layer->Transparency->Alpha To Selection (note that I enlarged the canvas size to hold the entire inset layer)
Select->Border -- enter a value twice the size you want for your white border
Layer->Transparency->Intersect with Selection
Edit->Fill With BG Color -- BG should be white
Filters->Light And Shadow->Drop Shadow

vineri, 2 iunie 2017

Qmail Archiving Incoming and Outgoing Emails Directly

In addition to delivering the messages to their respective user mailboxes, it is recommended to have Qmail send a copy of all emails to an archiving mailbox when archiving incoming and outgoing emails directly. This requires certain changes to be made before compiling the Qmail source code. The following guide is an adapted version of the article "Life with Qmail FAQ":

Step1. edit extra.h

QUEUE_EXTRA is a compile-time configuration variable that specifies an additional recipient that will be added to every delivery. This is used primarily for logging; the FAQ describes how to use QUEUE_EXTRA to keep copies of all incoming and outgoing messages.
To use QUEUE_EXTRA, edit extra.h specifying the additional recipient in the format Trecipient\0, and the length of the QUEUE_EXTRA string in QUEUE_EXTRALEN (the "\0" counts as one character). For example:
 #define QUEUE_EXTRA "Tmailstore\0"
 #define QUEUE_EXTRALEN 11
Step2. recompile qmail 
In this case you will receive a copy of all mails in


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